Are Brands The New Journalists?

Are Brands The New Journalists?

Posted by on Mar 9, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Welcome to the world of brand journalism, a rapidly growing trend emerging from the growth in digital publishing and social media. Move over traditional publishers, more and more brands are now hiring former journalists to create unique and engaging content for their customers, essentially becoming media companies in their own right. The rise of brand journalism […]

Photograpy Tips – The Rule of Thirds

Photograpy Tips – The Rule of Thirds

Posted by on Mar 6, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Probably one of the most basic rules of photography, the rule of thirds is the go to technique to improve photo composition. Although rules are made to be broken, it’s best to learn the rules before you break them. Many people break this rule because they simply don’t know about it. Scoopshooter: Omar Velazquez The rule […]

The Low Down on Model Releases

The Low Down on Model Releases

Posted by on Mar 3, 2015 in Uncategorized | One Comment

Model releases are basically a contract put in place to protect the photographer, the subject, the agency and the end user alike. They don’t need to be a long document, and the few minutes that they take to fill in can save you a whole lot of headache in the long run!Scoopshooter: Omar Velazquez The requirement to sign […]

Getting to know our Scoopshooters: Narek Hovas

Getting to know our Scoopshooters: Narek Hovas

Posted by on Mar 2, 2015 in Uncategorized | One Comment

Continuing our series, getting to know more about our Scoopshooters, we spoke to Narek Hovas, a photography lover who had some seriously good handy tips and tricks to pass on! Hi Narek, tell us a little about yourself? I am a 24 year old photographer from Armenia. I am also a tennis player and a huge nature-lover. I enjoy […]

Channel Your Inner Minimalist

Channel Your Inner Minimalist

Posted by on Feb 25, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Minimalism is subjective, but it can be summed up as something that screams simplicity. If you believe that less is more, this is the style for you. Love it or hate it, without getting too arty farty, here are some minimalist photos that will inspire tranquility, channel your inner minimalist and make you want to say namaste. […]

DIY Wedding Photography

DIY Wedding Photography

Posted by on Feb 23, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

You have a list as long as your arm. From cake flavours to fancy invites your budget is expanding rapidly, do you really want to fork out for a professional wedding photographer when your guests all have cameras in their pockets? And yes, I am talking about a phone. Scoopshooter: Jeannie Roth Scoopshooter: Anon Everyone enjoys […]

Stock Photos Don’t Have to be Dull

Stock Photos Don’t Have to be Dull

Posted by on Feb 20, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Stock photography has a reputation for being bland and boring — sad, but true. Despite their lack lustre rep, stock photos play an important role for both publishers and brands, whether they are required to illustrate articles, for use on websites or in marketing campaigns. One of the main problems companies using stock photography face is generic, unrealistic photos […]

From Amateur to Pro: Megan Bowers

From Amateur to Pro: Megan Bowers

Posted by on Feb 18, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Next up in our pro to amateur series, (where the pro photographers amongst us give some advice on their area of expertise and share any handy tips or tricks they might have), we have Scoopshooter Megan Bowers to impart her wisdom. Megan is a Fine Art Photographer born and raised in Fort McMurray, currently living in Kelowna, Canada. Hi […]

Has someone stolen your photos?

Has someone stolen your photos?

Posted by on Feb 13, 2015 in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

You upload a photo you’ve taken to your blog or social media accounts, it’s yours. Well sort of. Most social media sites’ terms and conditions (that little tick box you pay no attention to when signing up) mean that they have more control over your photos and videos than you might like. The rights that […]

Scoopshot App Version 5.0 Has Arrived

Scoopshot App Version 5.0 Has Arrived

Posted by on Feb 9, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

That’s right, the Scoopshot app has received a makeover. While busy moonlighting for Santa over the Christmas period our Finnish development team has busted out a new app, version 5.0. The latest version is available to download now, here’s what’s new: 1. Daily contests Participate in Scoopshot’s 24-hour photo and video contests, with winners voted for by […]